The Summer Club

By The.Bujo.Diaries

Keep your Tween

captivated this Summer....

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....with something new and imaginative

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doesn't take a heap of time to organise...

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and keeps them busy and

entertained for hours.....

Arrow Girly Loop

    Welcome to the ...


what is a Bujo diary?

(I hear you ask…)

So BuJo stands for Bullet Journal.

And those are great.

But…they need a lot of time.

Lots of imagination.

Lots of guidance.

A BuJo Diary is different.

It's got the creativity of a Bullet journal,

collects memories like a diary

and expresses emotions like a Journal

and it's ideal for TWEENS.

Because it’s guided with tweens in mind.

They can draw or write or both.

And BuJo Diary shows them how!

Try it today for FREE

Start the

Bujo Diary Summer Club

– a free mini-intro to the

‘Bujo Diary’


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Lots of page templates so your tween can start

right away

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Instructions of how to lay it all out so you don’t have to help

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Prompts and tips of what to write so your tween never runs out of ideas

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Hand-lettering practice so your child can make each page unique

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full coloured

Summer quote to

decorate the

pages .

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Doodles and how to draw them to keep them busy

Summer Doodles

Doodle page

Your tween will learn

how to do simple drawings.

And you get to watch them improve, have fun and become more confident.

Summer Bucket list

Summer Bucket List

Your tween will learn

to think ahead and plan

Get ahead of the holidays and give them a way to spend their time in a playful way that helps them gain independence and learn something that makes them proud.

Sign up today, and receive anemail with

the link to download your FREE Bujo Diary

Summer Club PDF.

Get your PDF

What you get:

A FREE printable PDF straight to your inbox

+Plus you’ll get some tried-and-tested tips on how

to inspire a reluctant tween to get started!

Get Started!


it's a great idea....

The Bujo Diary Something interesting

and new!

The Bujo Diary helps them to plan

and get excited for the future

The Bujo Diary helps your tween stay


The Bujo Diary is elf guided so they

can pick it up whenever they want

The Bujo Diary prompts your tween

with ideas of what to write so they

don't get stuck

The Bujo Diary has a new theme each

month to combat boredom!

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for them

It's FREE!

You get a fuss-free downtime activity

for your tween.

You get a creative alternative to get

your child off of Tech

You get an activity designed especially

for the Tween years.

You get peace and quiet because a

BuJo Diary is self-guided and easy for

them to do

You get to help your tween focus on

making fun summer memories.

you help your tween stay creative

because BuJo Diary makes it easy!

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for you

sign up

Sign up

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This is me, Stephanie, the creator of the The Bujo Diaries.

I am a Mum of three living in Zurich Switzerland.

Being a tween is tough, too young to do all the things they want and too 'old'to be a little is hard!

As a mum of tweens, I know how difficult it is to help kids navigate having one foot in the kid’s world of innocent play and the other foot on the edge of teenage rebellion. And how frustrating it is for the kids!

I combine my knowledge as a designer and a mum of tweens to create imaginative, fun, and engaging pages they can use to make diaries full of memories to look back on and be proud of.


make memories fun
